Rathaspeck Manor, Rathaspeck, Co. Wexford, Ireland
Reservations: +353 53 9141672
Email: info@rathaspeckmanor.ie

Wexford Attractions
Things to do in Wexford
There is a range of thing to do nearby during your stay at Rathaspeck Luxury Manor House Wexford including:
- Dunbrody Famine Ship - www.dunbrody.com
- Hook Lighthouse - www.hookheritage.ie
- Kennedy Arboretum - www.heritageireland.ie/en/South-East/TheJohnFKennedyArboretum
- Kennedy Homestead - http://kennedyhomestead.com
- Irish National Heritage Park - www.inhp.com
- The Ros Tapestry - www.rostapestry.com
- Visit Wexford- www.visitwexford.ie
- Irish Tourist - www.irishtourist.com
- Irish Agricultural Museum - www.irishargrimuseum.ie
- Beaches
- Golf